
  • Journal of Strategic Economic Research

    «Journal of Strategic Economic Research» is a peer-reviewed open-access journal aimed at publishing original innovative, novel and high quality research papers. Since its foundation, the journal has become a bridge between academia and practitioners working in research institutions, universities, business and public institutions in Ukraine and overseas, among all those focused on issues of economic development in a challenging market environment. Through active participation in scientific publications, the journal promotes fundamental and applied research in major fields of economic sciences, enhancing the role of economics in facilitating legal, political, social, environmental and other critical areas of further society development, as well as contributing to Ukraine’s entry into international economic alliances. Year of foundation: 1958. Re-registered:  April 2021. The certificate on the state registration of the print media: series KB № 24821-14761 ПР, originating date 19.04.2021. Professional registration: journal included in the list of scientific professional publications of Ukraine, in which can be published results of thesis for the degree of doctor and candidate of sciences: Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 27.09.2021 number 1017 (Annex 2). Category B. Economic Sciences. Specialties: 051, 071, 072, 073, 075, 076, 241, 281 (from 2018). ISSN Print 2786-5398; ISSN Online 2786-5401. Periodicity: 6 issues per calendar year. Languages for publication: Ukrainian, English.

  • Technologies and Engineering

    The Scientific Journal “Technologies and Engineering”  is the professional Journal with original papers focusing on scientific and technical subjects of theoretical and practical  investigations, developments in production processes, machinery, treatment, dyeing, finishing, testing and use in relation to all aspects of textiles.  The Scientific Journal “Technologies and Engineering” is professional Journal to provide individuals in the industry with articles regarding science, new technology and best practices which were still not published and have a strong theoretical and practical significance. Foundation  – April, 2021. ISSN: 27865371 print ISSN 2786-538X online The state registration of print media is: Certificate КВ №24822–14762 ПР від 19.04.2021. Attestation: cat. B, №735 dated 29.06.2021471 “Technologies and Engineering” in the list of professional publications : technical specialties – 122, 131, 133, 151, 161, 132, 182, 141, 144, 171 (from 2018, 2020). License for publishing activity is ДК № 993, originating date 24.07.2002. Periodicity: Quarterly published 6 times a year. Publication languages: Ukrainian, English. 

  • Art and Design

    The magazine "Art and Design" is a peer-reviewed scientific journal with open access, intended for the publication of original, innovative, newest and high-quality scientific articles. The press accepts articles that have not been published before and are not considered in other editions, but also have a fundamental scientific, theoretical and practical significance and are the result of original scientific research. The state registration of print media is: КВ №23248–13088 Р originating date 19.04.2018. License for publishing activity is ДК № 993, originating date 24.07.2002. ISSN: 2617-0272 (Print), e-ISSN: 2617-0280 (Online). Periodicity - 6 times/year. Publication languages: Ukrainian, English.

  • Bulletin of the Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design. Technical Science Series

    The Scientific journal «Bulletin of the Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design» (Visnyk Kyivskogo natsionalnogo universitetu tekhnologij ta dizajnu) is the professional Journal with original papers focusing on scientific and technical subjects of theoretical and practical  investigations, developments in production processes, machinery, treatment, dyeing, finishing, testing and use in relation to all aspects of textiles. We welcome previously unpublished papers form any part of the world, from all interesting studies that report on substantial original researches as well as position papers discussing ideas and concepts. ISSN 1813-6796. ISSN-online: 2617-9105. Periodicity - 6 times/year. Publication languages: Ukrainian,  English. 

    Published until 2021.

    Successor - Scientific Journal "Technologies and Engineering".

  • Bulletin of the Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design. Series: Economic sciences

    Scientific journal “Bulletin of the Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design. Series: Economic sciences” is a peer-reviewed open-access journal aimed at publishing original innovative, novel and high quality research papers. Journal included in the list of scientific professional publications of Ukraine, in which can be published results of thesis for the degree of doctor and candidate of sciences: Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 18.12.2018 number 1412 (Annex 10). Category B. Economic Sciences. Specialties: 051, 071, 072, 073, 075, 076, 241, 281. ISSN: 2413-0117. Frequency: 6 issues per calendar year. Languages: Ukrainian, English.

    Published until 2021.

    Successor - Scientific Journal "Technologies and Engineering".

  • Fashion Industry

    The Fashion Industry Journal is an open access peer-reviewed journal dedicated to promoting scholarly exchange among academic researchers and industrial innovation in the field of fashion, textiles and apparel industry, related fields. This is the most innovative academic journal in Ukraine that facilitates active exchanges between researchers and practitioners. The Scientific Journal «Fashion Industry» is professional Journal to provide individuals in the industry with articles regarding science, new technology and best practices which were still not published and have a strong theoretical and practical significance. The state registration of print media is: Certificate КВ №23909–13749Р, dated on 18 April 2019. License for publishing activity is ДК № 993, originating date 24.07.2002. Periodicity: Quarterly published four times a year in the months of March, June, September, Desember. Publication languages: Ukrainian, English. 

  • Management

    Journal «Management» — peer-reviewed, open access journal that is intended for publication of original, innovative, advanced and high-quality articles. Journal included in the list of scientific professional publications of Ukraine, in which can be published results of thesis for the degree of doctor and candidate of sciences: Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 18.12.2018 number 1412 (Annex 10). Category B. Economic Sciences. Specialties: 051, 071, 072, 073, 075, 076, 241, 281. ISSN: 2415-3206. Frequency: 2 times a year. Language: English, Polish.