
  • Ganna KUVIKA Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, Lutsk, Ukraine



INTRODUCTION. In the fiercely competitive landscape of the hospitality industry, the success and sustainability of establishments are contingent upon their ability to distinguish themselves in the market. This distinction, often referred to as competitiveness, encompasses a multitude of factors ranging from customer satisfaction and service quality to innovation and financial performance. Assessing and understanding these factors is fundamental for businesses striving to thrive in an ever-evolving market. This article delves into the intricate web of hospitality competitiveness, aiming to provide a comprehensive methodology that amalgamates qualitative and quantitative measures. By addressing this multidimensional concept, this research endeavors to shed light on the nuanced aspects that underpin the competitive advantage of hospitality establishments.
PURPOSE OF THE ARTICLE. The primary purpose of this article is to propose a robust and versatile methodology for evaluating the competitiveness of hospitality establishments. Through an extensive review of existing literature and an integration of various qualitative and quantitative metrics, this research aims to offer a holistic approach to businesses, policymakers, and researchers. By outlining the key dimensions of competitiveness and delineating practical methods of assessment, the article seeks to empower stakeholders in the hospitality industry with actionable insights. Furthermore, this research intends to bridge the existing gap in knowledge, providing a structured framework for understanding the dynamics of competitiveness in the contemporary hospitality landscape.
RESULTS. The results of this study unveil a multifaceted understanding of hospitality competitiveness. Through an amalgamation of qualitative and quantitative data, several key insights have emerged. Firstly, establishments that prioritize customer satisfaction and consistently deliver high-quality services tend to outperform their competitors. Secondly, a strong emphasis on innovation, encompassing both technological advancements and unique service offerings, significantly contributes to the competitive edge. Additionally, financial stability, efficient operations, and a commitment to sustainable practices emerged as pivotal factors in determining the long-term competitiveness of hospitality businesses. By integrating these diverse elements, the proposed methodology offers a comprehensive view, enabling establishments to identify their strengths and areas needing improvement.
CONCLUSIONS. In conclusion, this research underscores the vital importance of adopting a multidimensional approach when assessing the competitiveness of hospitality establishments. The findings emphasize that a singular focus on any one aspect, be it customer satisfaction or financial performance, is insufficient in capturing the complexities of the industry. A holistic strategy that integrates customer-centric practices, innovative solutions, financial stability, and sustainability efforts is imperative for long-term success. Moreover, the study reaffirms that the adaptability of establishments in response to changing consumer preferences and technological advancements is paramount. As businesses navigate the competitive terrain of the hospitality industry, they must recognize that competitiveness is not a static attribute but a dynamic quality that necessitates continuous evaluation and evolution. By embracing the multifaceted methodology proposed in this research, establishments can position themselves strategically, anticipate market trends, and enhance their offerings, ensuring not only their survival but also their prosperity in the ever-competitive hospitality sector.
KEYWORDS: competitiveness; hospitality establishments; methodology; evaluation criteria; industry analysis; customer satisfaction; service quality; innovation; sustainability.


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Author Biography

Ganna KUVIKA, Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, Lutsk, Ukraine






