DOI:Ключові слова:
innovation potential, university, Hackathon ecosystemАнотація
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES. Significant contradiction between the need of modern Ukrainian society in innovation-oriented specialist personality, on the one hand, and the level of readiness of university graduates to innovative professional activities, on the other hand, generates the problem of finding ways and means of formation of innovative potential of personality in scientific and educational environment of university on the basis of holistic dual educational concept. Problematic issues of how to organize the process of professional training of future specialists, how to promote the development of their innovative potential, what are the conditions and mechanisms of this process constitute the problem field of this study
METHODS. The research used methods – activity approach to the problem of personal development; personality-oriented approach to professional training of students; competence approach to university training of students; acmeological approach to the study of human development; mutual influence of personal and professional development; environmental approach – to the problem of formation and development of students' innovation potential. Processing of the results of the survey to determine the proportions of the main components of students' innovation potential on the basis of Hackathon ecosystem was carried out by expert method.
FINDINGS. The mechanisms for implementing the concept include the integration of education, science and practice; analysis of innovation needs and innovation capabilities of subjects of education; creation of infrastructure elements necessary for the functioning of the innovation system at all stages of the educational process; formation of a data bank of innovative projects, ready for implementation, technology platforms, information support for the development of innovative youth potential in the scientific and educational environment of the university.CONCLUSION. Scientific and educational environment of the university is a synthesized integrated phenomenon that systematically combines the structures of research, scientific, pedagogical and other activities in their complex interaction to implement the goals and objectives of training and professional and personal development of specialists, ready for innovative activity in the conditions of lifelong learning. The expected results of the concept are expressed in the transition to the use of modern dual educational programs, methods and technologies of educational process implementation in the university, aimed at continuous development of innovative thinking of young people, improving skills and motivation, identifying and setting tasks of creating new knowledge aimed at their solution, information search and processing, independent and teamwork and other competencies of innovative activity based on knowledge of its essence and on practical experience.