Przesyłanie tekstów


Sprawdzenie tekstu przed wysłaniem

Autorzy proszeni są o sprawdzenie czy tekst spełnia poniższe kryteria. Teksty, które nie spełniają wymagań redakcyjnych mogą zostać odrzucone.
  • Manuscript with annotations in Ukrainian and expanded in English (printed from an electronic version of the article (file), signed by the authors, two (2) copies). One copy is transmitted to review and editorial work.
  • An electronic version of the article in Ukrainian, which will be returned after reviewing to the author for translation, which must be officially certified by translator. File of the articles must have a name (in English): Full name (of the author of the article in English) example: Stat.:Karpenko_Stat.
  • The electronic file and a printed version of information about the author(s) in English. Photo is mandatory, 3×4 size, file format jpg. File of information must have a name (in English): Full name (of the author of the article in English) Inform_engl. For example: Karpenko_ Inform_engl.


    In English

    In Ukrainian

    In Russian

    Full Name (first, middle, last names)




    Academic Degree, Academic Title




    Position, Higher Education Institution, City




    Scopus Author ID




    ORCID (




    ResearcherID (


    Home address

    (street name, street number, apartment

    city, country, postal code)






    Full Name (first, middle, last names)


    Academic Degree, Academic Title


    A photo of the author



Wytyczne dla autorów

The editorial board of the journal «Management» takes for reviewing scientific articles based on materials research and scientific-technical developments. The submitted articles are reviewed by the editorial board of the journal «Management», and after receiving positive reviews are published.


— Full name of the author (co-authors) — in full, unabridged, title, academic degree, exact job title and place of employment (full name of the department or other structural unit without abbreviations), work and home addresses indexes, e-mail (preferably a personal, not a cathedral), work, home and mobile phone numbers, main research interests;

— Summaries in two languages (Ukrainian, English); keywords (phrases) — also bilingual, 5-8 position (not the name);

The structure of the extended abstract in English (up to 250 words), consisting of the following sections:

Introduction and Objective: should clearly describe the rationality of the study, based on previous work in relation to the study. This section should end with the approval of specific issues to be solved or by hypothesis.

Next, should be stated the purpose of the study.

Methods: should list the methods used, without going into great detail and mark the most important results.

Results should list the basic results without introduction. In brackets should add only basic statistics. No need to bring conclusions.

The findings should provide key findings as clearly as possible. You can include a short explanation of a general and / or specific recommendations for further research.

The structure of the text of the article: problem and its relation to important scientific and practical tasks; Analysis of recent publications on the problem; research objectives, key results and their justification; conclusions and recommendations for further research;

— All the structural sections of the text should be bold;

— All statistics are to be supported by references to the source;

— All quotes are references to the end source;

— References to books and non-fiction are undesirable;

— A reference to their publication is not desirable and is allowed only in case of urgent need;

— If the literature review or hereafter refer you to the name of the scientist — it must be published in the general list of literature after the article;

— Second citation is not allowed! If you quote Adam Smith — the link must be exactly on Smith, not the author, who citated Smith;

— Spacing — 1.15; font — 12 pt. Margins — 2 cm on each side. Only Microsoft Word, doc, docx. Font — Times New Roman. All text objects should be built with the use of Microsoft Word (Microsoft Excel Chart, Microsoft Equation etc.). In constructing graphs keep in mind that the magazine is in black and white;

— In the formulas — only the most common symbols with the standard set;

— Tables must be numbered, each should have a name;

— All figures and graphs should be numbered and have a name;

list of sources — not less than 10 items, original language, made in accordance with ISO  8302:2015 and  ISO 3017: 2015. The text of the manuscript literature references are put in square brackets.

List of references is submitted separately on the requirements:

transliteration of Ukrainian —

Russian transliteration —

Editorial board reserves the right for editing and slight reductions, while maintaining main conclusions and the author’s style.

ARTICLES, issued without complying with these requirements will not be considered!

The final opinion on the publication endorses the editorial board of the journal and notify the author(s) by phone call or an e-mail.

Polityka prywatności

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.