Introduction. There is a process of forming a conceptual approach to understanding artificial intelligence and regulatory regulation strategies in the world. Having analyzed the theoretical approaches to the definition of the concept of artificial intelligence, we come to the conclusion that a common approach to the definition of artificial intelligence (hereinafter AI) has not been formed in scientific circles and within the framework of international organizations.
Currently, in the vast majority of cases, AI technologies are created by humans and in one way or another interact with humans, however, in the process of legal regulation of relations with AI, it should be taken into account that artificial intelligence is gaining more and more autonomy due to the improvement of technologies.
The hypothesis of the scientific research consists in the substantiation of foreign experience and the formation of proposals for managing the development of entrepreneurship using artificial intelligence.
The purpose of the study is to substantiate the peculiarities of the adaptation of foreign experience in managing the development of entrepreneurship with the use of artificial intelligence.
The methodology of scientific research is general scientific methods of research: logical and comparative analysis in revealing the principles of managing the development of entrepreneurship using artificial intelligence; the induction method for making formal and logical generalizations, the deduction method was used to obtain intermediate (partial) conclusions based on the analysis of the nature of the general process, the abstraction method for identifying and identifying significant trends in managing the development of entrepreneurship using artificial intelligence.
Conclusions and prospects for further research. Artificial intelligence has become an integral part of many spheres of social life, and law in its broadest sense has not become an exception, because artificial intelligence technologies have in one way or another touched various branches of law since the beginning of scientific research on this issue, which takes its own beginning as early as the 70s of the 20th century, until today they have transformed from the modeling of legal norms to contracts written in the form of computer programs, virtual legal consultants, predictive justice technologies and other similar technologies. However, the perception of law as a system of value orientations can become an extremely difficult task for AI, therefore, when forming the legal basis of human-AI interaction, it is worth considering the difficulty for AI systems to work with abstract categories.
The formation of the foundations of the international legal regulation of AI takes place within universal and regional organizations. For example, the Center for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics was founded within the UN, UNESCO adopted the Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence, the OECD – relevant principles, UNCITRAL and UNIDROIT are studying the issues of integrating AI into private-law relations. Formation of technical standards, principles of responsible handling of these technologies and ethical standards also takes place within the framework of the ITU, the EU and other international organizations.
Keywords: integration; management; development; entrepreneurship; artificial intelligence; differentiation; scaling.