DOI:Ключові слова:
franchising, investments, businessАнотація
Introduction and purpose of the study. The domestic business market requires effective development measures. Increasing the investment attractiveness of domestic enterprises depends more on the favorable legal climate of the country and the timing of return on investment. Franchising plays the role of an effective tool to accelerate business development and expansion and at the same time ensure a rapid return to investors on their investments. Important for creating the conditions necessary for the development of domestic entrepreneurship is the introduction of measures that would enhance the use of franchising. Leveraging the experience of franchising countries should help Ukrainian businesses gain constructive guidance on using franchising as a tool to start, expand, and improve their business.
The hypothesis of scientific research basically contains a system of scientific provisions and principles of business development, which substantiate the availability of effective tools that can create the necessary conditions for improving the investment climate of the country and increase the productivity of business activity.
Research methods: general methods of scientific knowledge, such as methods of unity of analysis and synthesis, system-structural methods, methods of generalization and prediction, methods of interrelation of theoretical and practical aspects of research.Results: Based on the generalization of the analysis of economic indicators of the investment attractiveness of the markets of the leading countries of the world and Ukraine due to the use of franchising in business activity, the presence in Ukraine of promising franchising sectors of the national economy has been proved. Recommendations have been developed on the strategy of actions aimed at creating a favorable climate for franchising.
Conclusions: Franchising is a business model based on business partnerships, which provides entrepreneurs with the opportunity to start, develop and expand business through the resources of partners. The analysis of economic indicators of the effectiveness of the investment attractiveness of the markets of franchising countries shows the positive experience and the existing potential of using the franchising for the development of the economy of Ukraine.